By signing this Agreement I (“Customer”) agree to enroll my swimmer (“Participant”) in swimming lessons with Little Fish Swimming, LLC (“LFS”) for a period of 12 months and agree to the following terms and conditions as well as all terms and conditions included in the Services Agreement I signed during registration, which is incorporated by reference.
This agreement will be effective upon the submission of this form. The Term of this Agreement shall be 12 months from the Effective Date.
During the Term, LFS agrees to provide each Participant four (4) swimming lessons, per month. Swimming lessons are thirty (30) minute sessions each.
In consideration of Customer's 12-month commitment, LFS agrees to provide the swimming lessons at a discounted rate. The discounted rate is a ten percent (10)% discount of LFS's standard monthly rates. The discounted rate shall apply only while this Agreement remains in effect. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, LFS's standard rates shall apply.
Customer shall receive a recurring discount of (20)% off any merchandise in the LFS Shopify store.
Customer shall receive a discount of twenty percent (20)% off any scheduled LFS parties or additions, this is subject to availability and at the discretion of LFS.
Participants shall receive free access to open swim times, subject to availability. There is no guarantee to any set number of open swim times or that there will be space available to participate when open swim is scheduled.
Customers shall receive unlimited no-charge make-up sessions, subject to availability in the roster, while enrolled in this Agreement. Make-ups must be used during the Term of active enrollment. Upon the termination of the Term, as long as the Participant is still an active swimmer at LFS, Participant may still reschedule make-up sessions but they must pay the make-up fees pursuant to the Agreement signed at registration. Make-up fees are only waived for Participants engaged in this Agreement.
After the Initial Term, either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party.
Either party may terminate this Agreement for material breach if the breaching party fails to cure such breach within fifteen (15) days of receiving written notice thereof.
In the event, Customer fails to make timely payments or terminates this Term, prior to the agreed-upon completion of the 12-month Term, LFS shall charge Customer $250 (Per Contracted Swimmer) to the credit card on file.